the origins

Everything you seek, you already are. You simply have to remember.

lexi mohr, FOUNDER

the journey here

My path has attuned me to trust in the most powerful inner compass we have: intuition.

Following my inner guidance system has lifted me into higher levels, transcending beyond limitations I had placed on myself, evolving into my liberation. 

5 years ago, I was on the brink of debilitating burnout.

I was in the early-days of post-grad school. I overworked myself as the lead occupational therapist for multiple nursing facilities. Gray hairs and wrinkles appeared as a result of the stress, and worst of all, I felt spiritually deflated.

My saving grace during that time was yoga. One day while lying in savasana, I heard God's voice.

The voice gave me clear instructions to quit my job, move back into my parents home, and start yoga teacher training.

At first, I was outright scared, but my gut told me this was something I just had to do.

I took the leap and was lead to a life changing program that helped me recognize my true power came from within.

I began to live with a deep trust in life. I understood that I determined my destiny, I knew my emotions to be guides, and found body symptoms to be messengers from cells providing insight as to where my limitations were rooted.

As I transformed the way I approached self-love, work, and my overall wellbeing, manifestations beyond my wildest dreams began to come to fruition. 

The perfect job landed in my lap. I met my husband. My body healed. Most notably, I started to have way more fun in my day-to-day.

My community recognized these shifts, too. I started to receive requests to teach others on how to move from burnout to boundlessness in their own life.

These are the humble origins of LM Wellness. I turned my pain into my purpose, and it’s my greatest intention to help you do the same.

In my professional practice today, I share healing tools with individuals and organizations that uplift them into alignment with their core desires.

Calm the thinking mind and drop into the feeling body to access inner guidance system and create Heaven on Earth from within.

I love to keep good company! I do hope you make yourself at home here and send me a message to connect.


Doctor of Occupational Therapy

Certificates in: Aging Studies, 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, Sensory-Enhanced Yoga, and Reiki Healing

Media Features

Redefining Resilience


trust in the power of your intuition

Lift Your Vibration & Create Heaven on Earth from Within